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[Scouting] [Lodges and Fraternal Orders] [Masonic] [Political]
Scouting Memborabilia
(10) EARLY SCOUTING: The Florida Scout-Condition: Good- some foxing & wear around edges.- Early scouting magazine (pamphlet-sized). Interesting articles,ads. Date 1922. NOTE: This is not from the Boy Scouts, but some other type of scouting. Price: $25.00 + shipping.

(1281) May 14, 1955 - Sea Explorer Ball - Region XI Regatta - Booklet - Condition: Very Good This little booklet was printed for a Scout Troup in Seattle, Washington. The title on the inside page also includes the Bridge of Honor. Pages are titled Dances (three names written in), Bridge of Honor, and Autographs. It is tied together with a small decorative rope with a pencil. Booklet measures 3" by 4". Price: $5.50 + Shipping.

(1286) April 22-23, 1955 - Thirty Third Boy Scout Circus - Seattle, Washington - Condition: Good Plus The Boy Scout Circus was a gathering of all of the Seattle Area Troops. Program includes Participant Troop Numbers, Programs of the Circus Acts, Committe Members, Officers and more. Program measures 5 1/2" by 8 1/4". Price: $5.00 + Shipping.
Lodges and Fraternal Orders
(1273) 1890 - Order of Independent Odd Fellows - Rebekah Withdrawal Document - Condition: Good Plus The document was for Brother Joseph T. Day. It states that he was a beloved member and recommends him for admission into any regular Degree Lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows. This was the Ridgeville Lodge #284 in Indiana. This document is of very fine paper and has the official seal. It has 2 small splits where it was folded on the very bottom of the document. Very elaborate and beautifully illustrated. It has two dates - June 17, 1887 and December 26, 1890. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11". Joseph T. Day ran for The House of Representatives for the 8th District in Indiana in 1900, but was defeated. Mr. Day was also president of the Indiana Glass Works in Dunkirk, Indiana, which manufactured Prescription Bottles. Part of the Joseph T. Day Collection including 1273, 1274, 1275, and 1276 (see below).
(1274) 1890 - Order of Independent Odd Fellows - Rebekah Withdrawal Document - Condition: Good Plus The document was for Sister Lyde Day. It states that she was a beloved member and recommends her for admission into any regular Degree Lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows. This was the Ridgeville Lodge #284 in Indiana. This document is of very fine paper and has the official seal. It has 2 small splits where it was folded on the very bottom of the document. Very elaborate and beautifully illustrated. It has two dates - June 17, 1887 and December 26, 1890. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11".
Part of the Joseph T. Day Collection including 1273, 1274, 1275, and 1276 (see below).
(1275) 1895 - Order of Independent Odd Fellows - Certificate of Membership in Good Standing - Condition: Good Plus The document was for Joseph T. Day. It states that Mr. Day was a member of the third degree in good standing. The lodge was Lacon Lodge #88 in Illinois. This document is of very fine paper and has the official seal. It has been folded. Very elaborate and beautifully illustrated. It has a date of December 27, 1895. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11". Joseph T. Day ran for The House of Representatives for the 8th District in Indiana in 1900, but was defeated. Mr. Day was also president of the Indiana Glass Works in Dunkirk, Indiana, which manufactured Prescription Bottles.
Part of the Joseph T. Day Collection including 1273, 1274, 1275, and 1276 (see below).
(1276) 1890 - Order of Independent Odd Fellows - Certificate of Certificate of Withdrawal - Condition: Good Plus The document was for Joseph T. Day. It states that Mr. Day was a member of the third degree in good standing. The lodge was the Ridgeville Lodge #297. This document is of very fine paper and has the official seal. It has been folded. Very elaborate and beautifully illustrated. It has two dates, December 10, 1887 and October 27, 1890. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11". Part of the Joseph T. Day Collection including 1273, 1274, 1275, and 1276 (see below).
NOTE*** The Joseph T. Day Collection of Oddfellow Certificates including 1273, 1274, 1275 and 1276 - $100.00 (for all 4 certificates) - ***FREE Shipping*** Within Continental US.
(1826) Order Form - The Henry P. Bromwell Masonic Publishing Company - C1906.- Condition: Very Good This form was to be used for ordering Mr. Bromwell's Book entitled "Retorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry". This book was highly regarded throughout the world by all Masonic Lodges. See # 1832 for the advertising brochure used to sell the book. There is a message hand written at the top of the form that says, " If not personally interestd will you please call the attention of your lodge to this?" Order form measures 8 1/4" by 3 1/2". Price: $8.00 + Shipping.
(1827) Hand written letter & Envelope - Masonic Business - February 11, 1908- Condition: Very Good This letter was from a C.A. Jordan to A. J. Whittemore. It was about receiving information about a member's funeral and the fact that he could not attend. He talks about George being a good man, and his wife being an English lady but still of an excellent family! Said she made George a true wife and excellent mother to their children. Letter measures 8 1/4" by 5 1/2". Price: $14.00 + Shipping.
(1828) Announcement of an appointment of a gentleman in the M.W. Grand Lodge - May 15, 1907- Condition: Very Good The announcement is on a printed page with handwriten information. This gentleman was appointed R.W. Grand Lecturer for District No. 5 (New Hampshire). It was signed by Frank D. Woodbury (Grand Master in the late 1800's) - Grand Secretary and sent to Barrow Lombard. Announcement measures 5 3/4" by 8 1/2". Price: $16.00 + Shipping.
(1829) Letter - Grand Lodge of New Hampshire - April 21, 1906- Condition: Very Good The letter is to all fellow brethren and is about the Masonic Brothers who suffered in the San Francisco Earthquake. It is a request that all lodges in New Hampshire raise funds to aid their San Francisco Masonic Brothers. It states that Ira Chase (Grand Master) assumes the donations will be substantial. The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire is one of the oldest in the country, it being the 10th one formed in the original colonies. Letter measures 8" by 10" and has been folded to fit into a business envelope. Price: $22.00 + Shipping.
(1830) Receipt Book - Evening Star Lodge #37 - 1907 - Condition: Good The receipt book has one receipt and all of the stubs. The remaining receipt has been filled in with name and amount. The receipt was for J.B. Whittmore for $5.00 on April 4, 1907. All the stubs except one has a brother's name and date he paid his dues. Receipt book measures 9 1/2" by 3". The back cardboard cover has seperated from book. Price: $17.00 + Shipping.
(1831) Document from Ira Chase ( Grand Master) - April 7, 1906- Condition: Very Good The document is partially printed and partially hand written. It is acknowledging the applicaton from a lodge to put the new officers in place. The letter says they have permission from Mr. Chase to install the officers. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11" and has been folded to fit into a business envelope. Price: $16.00 + Shipping.
(1832) Advertising Brochure for Henry P.H. Bromwell - 1906- Condition: Very Good This is an advertisement for Mr. Bromwell's book Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry. The first page has a full page photo of Mr. Bromwell. The brochure opens to the inside which contains the information about the book. Document measures 8 1/2" by 11" (when closed) and has been folded to fit into a business envelope. Price: $10.00 + Shipping.
(1833) Memorial Resolution - Evening Star Lodge 77 - March 8, 1906- Condition: Very Good This is a typed memorial resolution to commemorate the death of Carl F. Young. Very poetic with statements about the Grim Reaper, time of manhood etc. It is signed by three members of the Committee on Resolutions. Document measures 8 1/2" by 12 1/4" and has been folded to fit into a business envelope. Price: On Auction + Shipping.
Political Memborabilia
(1291) January 15, 1949 - The National Archives - Washington D.C. -Condition: Good Plus An interesting two page typed Press Release about a National Archives Exhibit in 1949. Many names are included in this Press Releae. It goes into great detail about the exhibit which was on Elections and Inaugurals of the Past. The Press Release actually includes much of the inaugural history of the US. Press Release has folds. There is a message written in hand at the top to "Pop". Pages are standard 8" by 10". Price: Currently on Auction.

(1890) What Jack Eckerd Wants For Florida - Booklet - 1970. - Condition: Excellant This rare booklet was issued by Jack Eckerd in 1970 for his first attempt at the Govenor's Office in Florida. He did not succeed. Later he ran for Senator and again for Governor...but never made it into either office. Jack Eckerd owned one of the nations first large chain of Drug Stores. They are found throughout Florida. He was a very successful business man but never succeeded in politics. The booklet contains many black and white photos and his views on what Florida needed in a Govenor. The booklet measures 8 1/2" by 10 1/4" and has 18 pages.
(1891) The Nixon Year Book - 1968. - Condition: Very Good A wonderful look at the Nixon years before the trouble. This magazine style book is full of wonderful colored and black & white photos of Nixen, his family, photos from around the US and much more. Many of the topics includes: A Testing Time For Americans, Nixon on the Need for Order, The Early Years (includes photos from his childhood), Nixon Notes, And This Is His Partner Pat Nixon, America and the World, Family Album by Daughters Tricia and Julie, We Are Going Forward, Remarkable Comeback, Powerful Running Mate Ted Agnew, Let a New Day Dawn for America, The People Ask, and The Road Ahead. This book is full of wonderful photos and information. The booklet measures 8 1/4" by 10 1/4" and has 96 pages. Price: $18.00 + Shipping.
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