" United Mine Workers ByLaws - 1943 - Receipt Card for Dues - 1950 - Fork Ridge, Tennessee."

(1152) United Mine Workers ByLaws - 1943 - Receipt Card for Dues - 1950 - Fork Ridge, Tennessee. Condition: Very Good The By-Laws booklet is for Local Union No. 1578. It has tissue papers at the beginning and end of the six pages. Some of the by-laws include: A fine of 50 cents for anyone using profane language in the Hall, any brother attending the hall drunk shall be fined 50 cents, smoking or spitting on the floor is a 50 cent fine, plus many more interesting by-laws. Fork Ridge was settled in 1890 when the Fork Ridge Coal & Coke Company opened a mine in the section. In 1890, various miner’s unions joined to form the United Mine Workers of America and designated District #19 as the district that included eastern Tennessee and southeastern Kentucky. The Booklet measures 3 1/2" by 6". The Payment receipt card opens and completed for all of the months of the year 1950. The Card is for Sam Mullins. The financial secretary was James Combs. the card measures 7" by 5 1/2" (when opened).
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